Easy Sync

Easy synchronize your files and folders with Easy Sync

The program automatically syncs your files and folders on different devices. To do this, EasySync compares the files in 2 selected folders and copies newer files to the destination folder. This ensures that you always have a current copy of your files in both folders.

EasySync works independently in the background. After a single setup, all synchronization jobs are executed almost unnoticed. On request, the program automatically starts with Windows and „hides“ in the taskbar.

Files to sync can be filtered by file type, file name, or age. Alternatively, the synchronization can be done in one or in both directions

EasySync enables backup on network, on local or external drives (USB-Stick etc.).


Try EasySync for free!

Easy Sync 2.2

Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 – 32 and 64 Bit

4,5 MB

language: english, german


The use of EasySync is very easy and intiutive.

Fast & Stable

EasySync is fast and stable. Even if many or very large files are synchronized.